This report covers the period 01/09/2007 to 31/12/2007.
In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.
In brief
Programme Summary: Although the torrential rains and flooding in August and September 2007, naturally affected the progress of the programmes in the last part of 2007, the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was able to continue striving towards its objectives set forth in the 2006-07 operational plan. The floods were some of the worst seen in more than 40 years and DPRK Red Cross efforts during these months were greatly focused on bringing relief to those affected throughout the country. The Federation supply of drugs to health clinics in five provinces continued, but a large portion of these clinics were flooded and a number of them completely destroyed. An emergency appeal launched on 20August was revised 1 October with a focus on the re-equipping and refurbishing of the affected clinics. The challenge of the latter part of 2007 was to implement the emergency relief efforts while continuing the ongoing programmes in a coherent way. While the emergency did have an impact on the workload of the national society, their efforts were well received and appreciated. The activities and the results are separately reported in the emergency appeal updates. Not withstanding the increased workload, the national society succeeded, with Federation and partner's support, in completing the major part of the 2006 - 2007 plans.
The distribution of Il Cha (primary), as well as Jon Mon (secondary) kits were completed and eventually exceeded original numbers, bringing needed medical supplies to clinics and beneficiaries throughout the nation. The national society also made the decision to phase out the medical supplies to health institutions by 2009. Coal was supplied to 36 hospitals for the three months of cold winter, enabling important services for local beneficiaries. Trainings in first aid, malaria, health promotion for health professionals and road safety all were conducted during this reporting period to bring important knowledge to targeted groups, volunteers and communities.
The water and sanitation programme also transitioned smoothly in the handover of 2006-07 projects to the community, and the review of those projects led to the much needed upgrade of certain systems. New projects for 2008 have commenced and the national society, its partners and the Federation will continue to discuss plans for the coming years.
Through the relief efforts during this flood season, the national society's capacity in disaster management was shown to have increased and improved due to years of programming and support. Community-based disaster preparedness trainings continued in certain areas, and the tree planting programme continued to be implemented as planned.
The DPRK Red Cross Society had many good opportunities this reporting period in the areas of organizational development (OD), especially with the support provided by OD specialists, including support from the Asia Pacific zone OD coordinator. Volunteer management has been an important focus, as has branch capacity building and image of the Red Cross throughout the nation.
The November summit between the presidents of the two Koreas and the progress in the implementation of the agreements from the six-party talks created a positive sentiment in the international community and increased the number of delegations visiting the DPRK. With the Republic of Korea (ROK) heading the discussions on increased cooperation and support, more profound effects are still to come. Currently, the operational conditions for the implementation of the Federation programme have not experienced any change. The changes in the political environment will require the necessary alertness as most of the current funding originates from humanitarian resources. These resources may over time evolve into new opportunities for development funding. The majority of the Federation supported programmes aim at long term and sustainable improvement of the most vulnerable people in the DPRK.
For further information please contact:
The DPRK Red Cross Society: Kim Un Chol (acting secretary-general); phone: +85 02 18111, ext 8048, fax: +85 02 381 4644
Federation DPRK country delegation: Mr. Jaap Timmer (head of delegation);; phone: +85 02 3814 350, fax: +85 02 3813 490
Federation regional delegation in China: Mr. Carl Naucler (head of regional office);; phone: +86 10 6532 7162, fax: +86 10 6532 7166.
Federation Secretariat in Geneva: Ms. Ewa Eriksson; email:; or Sylvie Chevalley; email:; phone: +41 22 7304 252; fax: +41 22 7330 395
Federation zone in Kuala Lumpur: Mr. Jagan Chapagain (deputy head of zone); email:; phone: + 603 2161 0892; fax: + 603 2161 1210